Originates in the Amazon forest, rubberwood was mainly planted in south-east Asia then in Africa for the production of latex. From plantations, its use did not affect the primary forests. The sapwood is not distinct and its colour is white-cream. rubberwood displays a large grain.
Physical and durability properties of natural wood (besides sapwood)
- Density: between 600 and 700 kg/m3 (medium-heavy wood)
- Young modulus: 11,700 MPa
- Monnin hardness: Medium-hard wood (2,4 < d < 6 N/mm)
- Stability: Low
- Fungal durability and use class: Class 2 lifespan between 50 and 100 years/class 3a lifespan < 10 years/class 3b lifespan < 10 years/class 4 lifespan < 10 years
Uses of the rubberwood species
- Interior layout
- Cabinetry
- Stairs, woodwork, parquets
- Solid and veneer
Special features of rubberwood
Rapid drying
Tendency to fissure
Easy to implement and cut
Good resistance to screwing (holes required) and gluing