Maple is one of the so-called precious hardwoods. Very active at the sap level, it is the only producer of the blonde gold, or maple syrup. It also offers a wood of remarkable quality with its discreet undulating grain, its visible silver mesh and its fine grain. As to its colours, its duramen is white cream, pale yellow and sometimes pink. Its sapwood is non-distinct.
Physical and durability properties of natural wood (besides sapwood)
- Density: 630 kg/m3 (medium heavy wood)
- Young modulus: 10,500 MPa
- Monnin hardness: Hard wood (d = 4.7 N/mm)
- Stability: Good
- Fungal durability and use class: Class 2 lifespan between 50 and 100 years/class 3a lifespan between 10 and 50 years/class 3b lifespan < 10 years/class 4 lifespan < 10 years
Uses of the maple species
- High-end interior joinery
- Marquetry
- Plating and cabinetmaking
- Parquets, work tops, stairs
Special features of maple wood
Drying is easy, but slow
Saws easily
Susceptible to stains and burns
Machines and sands well for giving a polished finish
Accepts stain well, beautiful final result
Can be bent after steaming
Origin France