Maritime Pine
Maritime Pine
Maritime pine is found in significant supply in Aquitaine, Pays de la Loire and Bretagne. This is a bright species that can handle negative temperatures, and for which its average lifespan is 200 years. The sapwood and the duramen of the Maritime pine are differentiated by their respective colours: white-yellow for the sapwood and brownish-pink, even reddish for duramen. Its grain is straight and medium to coarse. Treatment by high temperature or by impregnation allows it to be used for applications in employment class 4.
Physical and durability properties of natural wood (besides sapwood)
- Density: 560 kg/m3 (medium heavy wood)
- Young modulus: 10,200 MPa (semi-rigid wood)
- Monnin hardness: 2.3 (softwood)
- Stability: Low
- Fungal durability and employment class: Class 3a lifespan between 50 and 100 years/class 3b lifespan between 10 and 50 years/class 4 lifespan < 10 years
Physical and durability properties of THT wood
- Density: 500 kg/m3 (medium heavy wood)
- Young modulus: 11,000 MPa
- Monnin hardness: 2.3 (softwood)
- Stability: Average
- Fungal durability and employment class: Class 3a lifespan between 50 and 100 years/class 3b lifespan between 50 and 100 years/class 4 longevity lifespan 10 years and 50 years
Uses of the Maritime Pine species
- Structure (framing, covering understructure)
- Siding/Cladding
- Exterior layout (after treatment by impregnation or by high temperature)
- Exterior joinery (with protection by treatment + finishing or cowling)
- Interior layout
- Profiled for DIY and interior joinery
- Plywood
Special features or Maritime Pine
- Rather slow drying
- Easy to machine and glue (except if very resinous)
- Hard knots sometimes hardly adherent
- Can be finished
Origin France