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Boules - Other species

Boules - Other species

The Ducerf Group also offers boules from various species. The latter are chosen with great care to obtain quality products meeting expectations of our clients. Our significant stocks allow great responsiveness to orders and deliveries.


  • Consists of various hardwood species from France
  • From specifically selected trunks: first part of a same log
  • Length from 3 m and +, mostly 4 m and +
  • Classified by diameter


  • PEFCTM certified
  • Ready for processing or machining
Boules - Other species
Beech boules called BME AD 34 mm
Beech boules
Ash boule

Technical characteristics

Ducerf offers a selection of boules qualities established from APECF sawing classification standards:

  • A/B, B or C quality
  • KD or AD wood

Thicknesses according to the species: 18 - 27 - 34 - 41 - 45 - 50 - 54 - 65 - 80 to 100 mm
Lengths: from 2 m and +, to 4 m and +
The measurement is performed before drying.

All our boules are received and measured before shipping, under shelter in a hangar dedicating to receiving clients:

  • The AD wood is commercially dried or pre-dried
  • The KD wood is kiln-dried between 10 to 15 % depending on thickness

available species

Buy French Wood | Legal notices

Ducerf Group 71120 Vendenesse-lès-Charolles, France - Phone. +33 (0)3 85 88 28 28 - Fax +33 (0)3 85 88 28 38